A Gym In The Bag


If Your relationship is in crisis, you each need to work to pull it together. With some third party information you can bring back what belongs together..the two of you.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Want My Ex Back and I Want It Now!

I want my ex back now is a common refrain and one that is thankfully easily remedied. Most
of us have broken up at some point with our partners over something very silly. Perhaps we
lost our temper or we got into a silly argument and now regret it. Thankfully these types
of breakups are easy to rectify.

Perhaps you have broken up over something more serious. Perhaps one of you were
unfaithful or lied to your partner? These are bigger problems to overcome but they are not
necessarily the end of the road. If both of you are happy to make an effort to reconcile,
you can get over almost any obstacle. You may need some professional help from a third
party. This may take the form of relationship counselling either as a couple or separately.

There are some great books on this subject which can be very helpful at putting things into
perspective. The first thing you should do is to arrange a meeting in a public place. If you meet in
private you could let your emotions take over and either end up having a huge argument or
in bed making love. Of course the second option might be enjoyable but it will not necessarily
sort out getting your ex back.

Meeting to discuss your relationship is a chance for you both to air your grievances. This
is not a blame game and if you have the idea that you are going to make your ex partner pay
for their behavior then do yourself a favor and walk away now. What you want to do is
acknowledge that you two have some issues to work through but you want the relationship to
work and would like to give it another go.

Having any sort of partnership with someone of the opposite sex takes work and commitment.
We are very different in how we think about things and how we communicate. Sometimes we
can blow issues out of all proportion and either our pride or our tempers prevent us from
discussing our problems like adults and we behave like kids.

If you want your ex back, you will need to convince them that you have something special
and worth fighting for. Be prepared for some reservations depending on the original reasons
or breaking up. Don't try to make them take you back by making them jealous or playing any
other types of games. Games belong in the school yard. Make an effort to look your best. It
helps if you wear an outfit that you know your partner likes and finds attractive. Use their
favorite scent and cologne as well. Keep the conversation civil and talk about the great times
you have shared and your dreams for the future. It may take a while and more than one meeting
but in time you may be back

Sunday, August 22, 2010



5 Tips for Fixing a Broken Relationship

Many relationships run into problem areas. At some point, your relationship, no matter how good, will have issues. These issues can be easy to work on. Some relationships can have bigger issues, however. These issues are much more difficult too work around. If you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be sure to be cautious. You want to make sure that you take all of the necessary steps to fix what has been broken.
Identify the Problem

The first tip that will help you to fix your broken relationship is to fully identify the problem. Both of the people in the relationship need to have a complete understanding of the state of the relationship. If there was a specific event that caused the issue, you both should understand how that happened. If it was a series of events, you need to clearly define the issues and what caused them.

Let Your Partner Know How You Feel

The second tip to fix your broken relationship is to be honest and open about how you feel. A relationship can only work if there is strong communication. You need to be open about how you feel. Be careful with your woods, but do not sugar coat your feelings.

Do not hide any of your feelings. You need to let the other person, in the relationship, know your emotions. Be descriptive. Are you angry? Upset? Sad? Mad? Disappointed? The more descriptive you can be, the more your partner will understand you.

Pay Attention

You need to be sure to pay attention to how they feel as well. Communication goes both ways. Listen to how descriptive they are about their feelings. Ask penetrating and specific questions to better understand how they feel. By doing so you will grasp the root of the primary problem.

Small Gifts

Small gifts can be a perfect way to start to mend a broken relationship. While it will not fix everything, it will show that you care, and that you are thinking of them.

Small Dates

Going on small, inexpensive but fun dates can also be beneficial. Having fun together is the perfect way to start to mend broken hearts and a broken relationship.

You need to make sure that you both fully understand the issue at hand. IF you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be on the same page. From this point, you need to let them know how you feel. Be open about how you feel about the situation, and what you think can help it. Be sure to pay attention to what they have to say as well.

When you are sure that you are both on the same wavelength, you need to pay attention to the small things. Small gifts and small dates, especially gifts and dates with more meaning, are a good way to start to mend the relationship. You need to remind yourselves why you are in the relationship. This will help you to fix your broken relationship.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dealing With a Crisis In Your Marriage or Relationship

How to save your relationship from falling apart when a catastrophic event has taken place. It may seem like a difficult thing to do, but it can be accomplished. Often, when something horrible happened in the life of a couple the stress ends up being too much to bear. You must then know, or learn, how important it is to save the relationship.

You need to know how to save the relationship when something in the marriage or relationship is falling apart. As example, the two struggle to deal with a crisis in their home. Many times it happens after the death of a loved one or especially a child. It can often happen when there is infidelity or an affair by one party. It could be caused by an accident or natural disaster. It could also be caused by illness to one partner or anything which may cause your world to fall apart.

To save your marriage or relationship from ending, you need to understand certain things. You need to understand that people act and react differently to events. Of course, the most obvious is the differences between how men and women typically deal with events. Many people repress feelings while others are more outward and more obvious in their grieving. Understanding this and accepting it will help each party go a long way in knowing how to save the relationship. Don't expect your mate to react the same way you do.

You also need to know that grief may often brings out the worse in people and negative traits are often exaggerated. Patience is necessary to your understanding why some very negative changes take place in the personality. You also need to be able to see those changes taking place in yourself. Don't allow harmful behavior to dictate this stressful period but be understanding to your partner.

During situations as described above you must consider consulting with a marriage counselor. Marriage counselors will usually be very adept at helping couples struggling through these stressful times. There are places and people you can go to to help you and the your loved one deal with the emotions.

Here are several suggestions to help you get through this stressful times:

You must commit to each other that you are going to work through this together. Be a team player fully supporting each other and understanding the needs of your partner. If at some point, one partner seems weak the other partner must be there to help and shoulder the load.

Grow your support team. Seek out close friends and relatives who will help you through this. There is no need for the two of you to go through this alone. If you can, find a network or a group of people who have gone through similar situations. Remember, there is strength in numbers.

You must find a reason to laugh again. Watch a funny program on TV or a funny movie. If you have a crazy home movie, now is the time for some good laughs. Enjoy the company of fun loving people. At time like this, laughter is the best medicine and it will make you feel better and gives you a break from the weight you carry.

When you have suffered greatly, it doesn't mean that the marriage or relationship has to come to an end. It can be made much stronger if you understand and overcome the stress you have experienced. Always remember, divorce is the last option particularly if there are children involved.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How Can I get Back Together With MY Ex Girlfriend

Sometimes when a relationship comes to an abrupt end, either one or both parties involved may still be in doubt that the end is really the end, and this is especially true when a relationship is new. Some men simply cannot accept the fact that their girlfriend walked away. Therefore, they find themselves still hoping she'll still be there in the morning and that it was all a dream. Are you asking "How can I get back together with my ex girlfriend", it is important that you create a plan regarding how to do it.
In order to get back together with your ex girlfriend, there are numerous steps to take. Here are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when working through this process.
- There is always a second chance for everyone, so it's not impossible for you to get back together with your ex girlfriend. But first, you should ask yourself some questions Do you still love her? Do you really want her back? Why? Are you trying to get her back because you don't want to be alone, or you don't believe you should have been dumped? If you are looking to get back with your ex for reasons other than love, you may be playing a dangerous game that would be better off avoided.
- Do not appear desperate or needy to your girlfriend if your priority is "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?" Although you may feel desperate, and you may really want her back, you absolutely need to control your emotions, keeping them to yourself. If you cannot help them, then it may be wise to talk to your friends or family so you can cry your heart out where she cannot see. Do not beg or cry in front of your girlfriend, however, and absolutely do not stalk her.
- Learn how to control your feelings, forgetting about self pity and instead working on the positive aspects of working things through with your ex. If you appear too needy, or if you come off as too desperate, she may end up avoiding you even more.
- Keep the communication lines with your ex open. She may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually.
- Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. There must have been a problem that led to the end of the relationship, so find out what the problem was if you want to get back together with your ex. Find out what caused the arguments, of which of her needs weren't being met, and work on rectifying those issues.

How To Get An Ex Back

Did you just experience a break up? Are you wondering how to go get an ex back? Almost nearly every adult as experienced some kind of a break up, and most just work on moving on rather than looking for a way to get an ex back. But if you are over playing the victim and want to put some work in to get an ex back, then there are options for you. Everyone deals with breakup, but does break up simply mean that you cannot get back together with your ex?
The fact is, 90 percent of the time there is no reason why you cannot get an ex back after a break up, providing that you know what steps are necessary to win your ex back. The first step in learning how to get an ex back is to determine what exactly happened that caused the break up. Even though you cannot go back into the past, and you cannot change what happened, you can learn from the mistakes that were made and you can try to learn and grow from the experiences.
The break up may have occurred because of a single event, or it may have occurred from behaviors that your ex could not deal with anymore. No matter what the reason was that led to the breakup, you need to get the specifics figured out so that you can deal with the situation if it should never come up again. You can get an ex back if you know how, but if you want to make it work on a long term basis, you need to figure out what went wrong in the first place.
The next step in the process is to ensure that you are not coming off as a needy person. Everyone will feel like they cannot live without their ex, but there is no point in making this obvious. Instead, you should stay strong, and let your ex see that you are doing just fine by yourself. If you let everyone around you see your comfort and self confidence, then you will have a better chance of getting back together with your ex.
Trying to get back at your ex, or trying to make your ex jealous is not a good way to operate. In fact, these are some of the worst things that you can possibly do, because it will show your ex that he or she should simply move on because you already have. While you do want your ex to see that you're doing ok, you do not want it to inspire him or her to completely move on if your ideal scenario is to get back together. Let your ex see how strong and self confident you are, and they will feel inspired to get back together with you.